ISO/IEC 27001:2022
ISO/IEC 27001:2022
On October 25, 2022, the new version of ISO/IEC 27001, ISO/IEC 27001:2022 ‘In-formation technology - Security techniques - Information security management systems – Requirements’ (hereinafter ISO 27001:2022) was published.
After April 30, 2024, initial audits and recertification audits may no longer be performed based on ISO/IEC 27001:2013 or 2017. From that date, the use of the 2022 version is mandatory.
Surveillance audits may still be carried out as part of a three-year cycle based on the 2013 or 2017 version, until April 30, 2026 at the latest.
The new versions of ISO 27001:2022 and ISO 27002:2022 are available via the NEN website, both in Dutch and English.
The transition audit
In order to transition a certified management system for information security (ISMS) to the new ISO 27001:2022 version, Noordbeek will have to carry out a transition audit.
The transition audit takes 4 hours and will be conducted as a separate audit via a video meeting.
After the audit, Noordbeek will prepare a report. The file will be assessed internally and, if everything is approved, Noordbeek will produce a new ISO 27001:2022 certificate and hand it over to you.
The cost for this transition audit is 1 audit day.
Changes in the controls
The most important change in ISO 27001:2022 concerns the division of Annex A into four chapters. ISO 27001:2017 contained 114 controls, divided into 14 chapters, namely Annex 5 to Annex 18.
ISO 27001:2022 contains 93 controls, divided into 4 chapters, namely:
- Annex A.5, ‘Organizational controls’: 37 controls;
- Annex A.6, ‘People controls’: 8 controls;
- Annex A.7, ‘Physical controls’: 14 controls;
- Annex A.8, ‘Technological controls’: 34 controls.
There are 11 new measures, namely:
- A.5.7, Threat intelligence;
- A.5.23, Information security for use of cloud services;
- A.5.30, ICT readiness for business continuity;
- A.7.4, Physical security monitoring;
- A.8.9, Configuration management;
- A.8.10, Information deletion;
- A.8.11, Data masking
- A.8.12, Data leakage prevention;
- A.8.16, Monitoring activities;
- A.8.23, Web filtering;
- A.8.28, Secure Coding.
Changes in the management system
There are limited changes in chapters 4 to 10. This concerns:
- 4.1, Understanding the organization and its context – refinement;
- 4.2, Understanding the needs and expectations of interested parties– refinement;
- 4.4, Information security management system – tightening;
- 6.1.3, Information security risk treatment– tightening;
- 6.2, Information security objectives and the planning to achieve them – tightening;
- 6.3, Planning of changes – addition;
- 7.4, Communication – tightening;
- 8.1, Operational planning and control – rewritten;
- 9.1, Monitoring, measurement, analysis and evaluation– tightening;
- 9.2. Internal audit – split;
- 9.3, Management review – split;
- 10, Improvement - change of numbering.
If you have any questions about the new version of the standard and the transition, please feel free to contact us.